Our Mission Statement.
Our Lady's School is a caring family, where, with Jesus in our hearts, we value everyone and encourage them to be the best that they can be.
We re- visit our mission statement regularly and this year Mrs Burrows has re- introduced it to us through a sequence of sessions. Our Mission Statement was broken into sections and observable behaviours for us to practise. Children noted to be be displaying our Mission Statement were awarded our yellow tie.
Caritas Ambassadors
Our Caritas Ambassadors work hard to promote our Mission Statement and the Catholic life of our school. They come from our year 5 and year 6 classes. They are representatives who feel strongly when things happen that are not fair. They really care about other people. They want to make the world and our local area a better place and they enjoy working in a team. They enjoy thinking of ways to help others and are willing to put love and faith into action. They actively encourage others to share ideas and join in. They have a busy year ahead of them and they all bring their own unique qualities to the role. Please keep them in your prayers.
On Monday 15th April, the Caritas Ambassadors met with other pupil groups in school (The School Council and Online Protection Squad). During this meeting we discussed our school mission statement and how what we do as ambassadors fits into this. We thought about our aims and goals as a group and what we thought our mission was.
The children came up with the following mission statement:
"Live like Jesus, Love like Jesus... Putting Faith into Action"
Thank you so much to everyone who donated to the St Joseph's Penny Box Appeal. As a school family we raised:
This money will make a real difference to the lives of the local people in Greater Manchester and Lancashire that Caritas support – people in our local communities facing poverty, disadvantage, homelessness and isolation.
During Lent we are called to Give, Act and Pray. As part of our word around the CST principle 'Preferential Option for the Poor', this half term the Caritas Ambassadors are supporting the St Joseph's Penny Boxes Appeal.
A group of children from Year 5 and 6 helped to spread some Christmas cheer by singing in ASDA. We raised a wonderful £99.27 for St Vincent De Paul Society. The children sang and behaved beautifully. It was such a lovely special morning!
This links to the CST principle 'Solidarity - Showing we Care'.
The Caritas Ambassadors went over to Wigan to a celebration event for 'Hope In The Future'. We sang, prayed, listened to Bishop John and other amazing speakers.
We loved seeing the team from the Mark Ten Mission! Especially joining in with the songs of worship we have been learning in school.
We got to meet Bishop John Arnold and Ryley asked him for a photograph!
We also made a pledge on how we are going to make changes in our own lives to help our common home, which will then be displayed in St. Peter's Square.
We got the opportunity to work with other chaplains from our local area and share what we are going to do to hold leaders and decision makers to account as well as how we can enforce positive change.
The children were fantastic throughout the day and represented Our Lady's with Pride!