
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Roman Catholic Primary School

Let no one ever come to us without leaving feeling better and happier.

Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Roman Catholic Primary School

Let no one ever come to us without leaving feeling better and happier.

Class 4

Good morning 

Here is the work set for today (Wednesday 15th January);

  1. Purple Mash - Science, English, Maths and Spanish
  2. Practise times tables  - MTC
  3. Reading plus site code RPOURLADYOP
  4. Practise spellings given last week









Kindness Week. We have discvered that kindness is good for your health! Oxytocin is the secret!

Welcome to Year 4's Class page.



Hello year 4.
My Name is Mrs Harvey and I am the class teacher. We are joined in class by Mrs Cassidy, Miss Entwistle and Miss Ryan.


We are looking forward to an exciting year ahead.


Below is some general information to help you with our school and class routines: 


  • Every day we will practise handwriting, times tables and spellings or phonics.
  • PE: PE is on Wednesday and Friday, you will need to come in to school in your PE kit on Wednesday and Friday. You do not need to bring in your school uniform. 
  • Homework: Homework will be set every Friday and due in by the following Friday. The homework will be set on Purple Mash. The children have their passwords, but they can ask for a copy if it has been misplaced. Homework will be spelling or phonics practise, a maths activity (linked to our learning in class), and sometimes a different activity linked to work in class.
  • Reading: Try to read regularly and choose books you enjoy! Please bring your reading book in every day 
  • Times tables: We will practise our times tables every day in class. Children also need to access the site regularly in preparation for the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) at the end of Year 4, but more importantly to become fluent in their times tables. Fluency greatly assists the children with their maths work (and life in general!)
  • Please only bring into school what you need - coat, reading books and record, bottle of water, and lunch box if you bring your own dinner
  • If you need to speak to me I am on the playground before and after school, or please ring the school office and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Mrs Harvey

Celebration of the Word - we ave been studying how Jesus chose His disciples. Our reading told us how Jesus asked Simon and Peter to leave everything and follow Him.

Celebration of the Word - we can see God at work through the goodness of the people around us

Building a Circuit - ready to design and make our own torches!

Multiplication Tables Check

Parent guide and useful links to help you practise your times tables

Our Rainbow of Hope

RE Yearly Overview ('Come and See' scheme) - Printable version

Maths - Sequence of learning - 2021-22


Parents Guide to the National Curriculum

Thursday 23rd January: Eco - Warriors community litter pick 3.25pm - 4.00pm (meet at the school hall at 3.25pm) ALL children are to be accompanied by an adult/Friday 24th January: Celebration assembly at 9.10am