Welcome to Year 6 Class website page.
Our Lady's School is a caring family, where, with Jesus in our hearts, we value everyone and encourage them to be the best that they can be.
Hello Year 6!
Mr. Hurst is here!
Joining us in Year 6 is Mr Blundell.
General Information
-Pick up and drop off points are on zone 5 at 8:55 and 3:25.
-Bring your book bag and reading records in every day so they can be changed throughout the week.
-PE day is on a Tuesday (Dance) & Thursday (Gymnastics). Come to school dressed in PE clothes. Dress in accordance with the weather and sport.
- Spellings are tested and handed out every Monday. Children can practise them at home on Spelling Shed.
-Homework for learning done over the week is handed out every Friday. Your child will have a minimum of 2 SATS revision books (Maths & English). Children will have received the page numbers they're required to do on that day. Deadline for homework is the next Friday but they can bring it earlier so I can mark and provide support if needed.
-Bring a water bottle into school every day to stay hydrated.
Any questions or queries that you may have, I'm available anytime.
It's the final year of primary so let's make it a memorable one. Thank you for your continued support.
Mr Hurst :)
Our new year 6's have settled into old and new routines in their first week back in school. They've all enjoyed themselves and are looking forward to becoming role models and making many memories in their final year.