
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Roman Catholic Primary School

Let no one ever come to us without leaving feeling better and happier.

Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Roman Catholic Primary School

Let no one ever come to us without leaving feeling better and happier.

Class 6

Welcome to Year 6 Class website page.


Our Lady's School is a caring family, where, with Jesus in our hearts, we value everyone and encourage them to be the best that they can be.


Hello Year 6!

Mr. Hurst is here!

Joining us in Year 6 is Mr Blundell. 


General Information


-Pick up and drop off points are on zone 5 at 8:50 and 3:20.


-Bring your book bag and reading records in every day so they can be changed throughout the week. 


-PE day is on a  Monday & Tuesday. Come to school dressed in them. Dress in accordance with the weather. 


- Spellings are tested and handed out every Monday. Children can practise them at home on Spelling Shed.


-Homework for learning done over the week is handed out every Friday. Your child will have a minimum of 2 SATS revision books (Maths & English). Children will have received the page numbers they're required to do on that day. Deadline for homework is the next Friday but they can bring it earlier so I can mark and provide support if needed.


-Bring a water bottle into school every day to stay hydrated. 


Any questions or queries that you may have, I'm available anytime.

It's the final year of primary so let's make it a memorable one. Thank you for your continued support.


Mr Hurst :)


A successful morning for Y6 who raised almost £700 for the school with their projects. With a short deadline, they have successfully planned, advertised and sold their idea. There was some good demonstrations of entrepreneurship and teamwork. Bravo Y6.


The third annual Y5 vs Y6 rounders match took place and Y6 took home the win (16- 15 1/2) - a first win for Mr Hurst since the inception of this summer tradition. Well done guys!

Leavers' Mass


It was an emotional but beautiful final mass for Year 6. Thanks to all who came. This amazing group of children all played their part and deserve the plaudits.

Treachery at Traitor's Quay


Stay tuned for nominations at next year's Oscars. Y6 absolutely smashed their end of year play. Credit to the hard work the children have put in both in and out of school this last month to make it a success...And breathe.



Year 6 got their steps in and braved the British summer rain by walking to Tenpin this morning. We had a cracking time, playing games, eating food and creating daft nicknames on the lanes. Not a bad way to spend a Tuesday. More importantly, Mr Hurst put a masterclass on how to bowl. Sorry boys 

Blackburn Netball Tournament Final


We took home a bronze! Words cannot describe how proud I am. Well done Alexander, Samanta, Julia, Natalia, Domas, Miracle & Kamil. It is the first medal of this kind that you've won and no one can take away that accolade.

Mini Police: Litter Pick


A few snapshots of our children in action litter picking our local environment. They filled so many bags. Good job guys.


It's over! Well done to Year 6 who have completed their SATs! You have all worked so hard throughout the year and we are all proud of you. Enjoy the leavers hoodies as a reward for all your effort and resilience. Now, it's time to enjoy a very busy upcoming 40 school days!


Our new Mini Police finished the week with their second session which involved blaring out sirens, arresting each other and trying to damage riot gear - perfectly normal behaviour.


After-school revision club is underway!

Y6/5 Football Team

RE Prayer Service: SOURCES


Our first prayer service of 2024. It was planned and delivered by Year 6 and what a lovely one it was culminating and celebrating our learning about the Bible.


We had a lovely trip to the Alps (the school field) to enjoy the snow. Not a bad way to spend a morning.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Christmas Carols

Odd Sock Day

RE: BELONGING - Commitment & Vocations


Another RE topic comes to a close with a lovely prayer service organised by all the children. Good job guys. 

Evolution of Dance!


Sadly, Good things must come to an end and our dance sessions in PE has culminated with a performance of the timeline of dance pop culture to parents and carers. Thank you to those that came down to witness! So much fun was had in these last 6 weeks.

Unconditional Love


We completed our first prayer service of the year, bringing an end to our first RE topic.

Bird Beak Buffet


Today we were different species of birds! We hopped from island to island trying to scavenge the food available. This crazy activity linked to the finches which Charles Darwin discovered on the Galapagos Islands. They all had different beaks due to their food source.

The Prodigal Son


Many ear drums were put to the test today in RE: we read the parable 'The Prodigal Son'. To show two of the story's characters' mental dilemma, we did a conscience alley to verbalise their mental thoughts and how difficult it can be at times to make the right and loving decision to forgive someone's wrong doings.

Week 1: Done


Despite the Great British weather and angry wasps in the classroom, they have had an amazing first week back with plenty of kung fu, dancing and laughs along the way.

Parents Guide to the National Curriculum

Wishing you all a lovely summer!! School reopens Tuesday 3rd September: School reopens at 8.55am (8.00am for breakfast club)