
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Roman Catholic Primary School

Let no one ever come to us without leaving feeling better and happier.

Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Roman Catholic Primary School

Let no one ever come to us without leaving feeling better and happier.

Class 1

Welcome to Year 1 Class website page.


Our Lady's School is a caring family, where, with Jesus in our hearts, we value everyone and encourage them to be the best that they can be.

Hello Year 1


My name is Mrs Wearden and I am your class teacher this year.

In class with me is Miss Young.


Here is some general information to help you with our class  



P.E. is on Wednesday and Friday. Please come into school on those days wearing your P.E kit (a white t-shirt, blue tracksuit bottoms or leggings and suitable trainers). You do not need to bring in your school uniform.




Our home reading scheme is based on fully decodable books linked to our phonics programme and includes a range of books. Please read your reading book every night at home or a minimum of three nights a week - you will receive a star for every night your read! These stars will add up and the class star reader will be rewarded. Please bring your book bag in to school every day. Books will be changed weekly on a Thursday.

You will also be able to choose a library book to take home with you.



Maths homework will be set weekly on a Thursday on Purple Mash - this will be based on our maths learning that week. 


Other Information

Please bring in a water bottle each day - these will be sent home at the end of each day. This must be water but you can have juice in your lunchbox.


School starts each day at 8:55 - I will be waiting on the playground for you.  

Morning break time is 10:30-10:45. 

Lunch time is 12-1 - we eat dinner in the school hall first and then go out to play. 

Afternoon break time is 2.15 - 2.25

School finishes at 3.25


I will be available to speak briefly before and straight after school (for example to pass on a message). If you would like me to ring you or arrange to see me please speak to the school office.


Thank you

Mrs Wearden 

Year 1 2024 

What a fantastic enthusiastic class who are always ready to learn with smiles on their faces! smiley



Useful Websites:

RE Yearly Overview

Parents Guide to the National Curriculum

Monday 28th October: School reopens 8.55am (8.00am for breakfast club) Tuesday 29th October: Year 5/6 Football league tournament at St Bede's for those selected (meet at 3.50pm) Wednesday 30th October: Infant Halloween Disco 3.30pm -4.30pm/ Junior Halloween Disco 4.45pm - 5.45pm (NO AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS) Friday 1st November: Celebration assembly at 9.10am.