
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Roman Catholic Primary School

Let no one ever come to us without leaving feeling better and happier.

Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Roman Catholic Primary School

Let no one ever come to us without leaving feeling better and happier.

Governors' Zone

An introduction from our Governors



Julie Ackroyd-Foundation Governor


I have worked at Our Lady & St John Catholic College Blackburn for 34 years and during this time, one aspect of my job I have particularly enjoyed is liaising with primary schools, including Our Lady of Perpetual Succour. As a result, I was proud to have the opportunity of joining the governing body in 2015.

My subject specialism is English, which I have enjoyed teaching to a range of pupils over the years.  I am currently the Safeguarding Lead at Our Lady & St John and I also have a specific responsibility for Children in our Care; my governor responsibilities in these areas therefore complement this.

I am a member of the National Trust and I enjoy reading and going to the theatre; I am currently trying my hand at flower arranging!

I am married with two grown up children.  Born and bred in Colne, I have always been an active member of Sacred Heart Parish (now part of the Good Shepherd Parish). For a number of years, I was a Children’s Liturgy group leader. I am currently a member of the church choir.

It is a privilege being associated with Our Lady of Perpetual Succour. I will continue to work hard to serve its community and support everyone in it, in the best way I can.


Clare Spicer-Foundation Governor


I, too, am a teacher and have been at Our Lady & St John Catholic College for a number of years. Prior to that I taught Geography, History and RE in Scunthorpe where I worked for 3 years. I came back to Lancashire, my natural 'home', to get married and have been at OLSJ since, starting as a class teacher and progressing through various pastoral and academic roles to my current position as Deputy Headteacher. During this time I have also completed a Master's degree in Catholic Leadership.

My spare time is spent with my husband and children, although by September I will need a new hobby as my children will all be away studying and/or working.

I love to walk my dog, Finney, in fair and foul weather! I live by my motto of 'lifelong learning' and aim to enrol for a new evening class each year. So far I have tried my hand at pottery, watercolours, stained glass and international cooking and, most recently, have recently completed a diploma in floristry.

I am a parishioner of Brownedge St Mary's Church in Preston and feel privileged to be a governor at OLPS where I hope I am able to serve the school (my specific governor role is with EYFS) and community



Anne Kenworthy- Vice-chair


In my working life I spent 40 years teaching English in three secondary schools and then worked for Lancashire Authority as an English Consultant supporting English departments across Lancashire. I was responsible for the mentoring of both trainee teachers and newly qualified colleagues and for many years worked with feeder primary schools on transition from year 6 to year 7 in English.

I have always enjoyed working with young people and the fascination with how children grow, develop and learn has never left me.

Retired now, I feel I have some experience to share and feel privileged to be involved in education as a member of this governing body. I am married with one grown up daughter. I enjoy reading, walking and spending time with family including my daughter and her husband,  my sister and my necessary and nephew but especially my small grandson.






If you need to contact any of the governors for any reason please contact the school first. Due to data protection school is not allowed to give out any contact details for our governors.


Letters should be addressed to:

The Chair of Governors,

c/o The Clerk to the governors

Our Lady of Perpetual Succour RC Primary School

Holmbrook Close



Dates of the next meetings


Committee Meetings                     




Full Governing Body Meetings   








Finance      13/03/25






Curriculum  13/03/25






Budget Setting 27/03/25































































Tuesday 11th February: Year 1 Parent Showcase 2.45pm. Please join your child were they will show you what they have made in DT topic this half term. Tuesday 11th February: Internet Safety Day lunch / Wednesday 12th February: Reception class parents - APSmilecare will be leading a presentation on oral health & parents are invited to join in activities with the children from 9.00am - 10.00am Thursday 13th February: Non uniform day to celebrate the jubilee year of 'Pilgrims of Hope' Year 4 Parent Showcase at 2.45pm. Please join your child were they will show you what they have learnt on coding in computing. Friday 14th February: Non Uniform Day - cash donation for CAFOD/ Celebration assembly at 9.10am / School closes for half term at 3.25pm.