Our Lady's School is a caring family, where, with Jesus in our hearts, we value everyone and encourage them to be the best that they can be.
At our school there is a range of prayer and liturgy: classroom prayer, meditation, assemblies, special services for special times of the year, and celebrations of Mass and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We use many resources to support us in planning and delivering collective worship. The themes follow the liturgical calendar below.
Our week begins in collective prayer led by Mrs Staffa and daily prayers are then led by children in each class.
Each class lead collective worship for their own class. The theme follows the liturgical calendar. With support, children plan, set up and lead the prayers, reflections and the celebration of the Word.
Yesterday was Our Lady's birthday. The children honoured her by writing birthday messages or thank you cards for offering us care and guidance.
Today we celebrated the feast day of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour. We celebrated as a parish community with a special mass. We processed with an icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, which now is displayed in our school.
Our prayers and reflections were lead by our Year 4 prayer leaders this year. Thank you to our families who sent beautiful flowers with the children. Today, they presented them to Mary, sang beautifully and worshipped Mary, the Mother of Jesus and the Mother of us all.
This year, our wonderful prayer leaders and caritas ambassadors delivered activities which have allowed us all to gather, listen and reflect upon the events of Holy Week. The children visited various focal points around school where we waved palm leaves to welcome Jesus into Jerusalem and cleaned our shoes as Jesus washed the disciples feet. We reflected upon sad times as Jesus was alone in the garden and we shared food and considered our experiences of special meals as Jesus had His Last Supper. We made crosses as Jesus died on the cross and heard of His Resurrection. We all enjoyed a chocolate Easter egg!
Thank you to our children who led our reflection and prayers and to all of our school family for being open to the experience.
This year, to celebrate May being a month to worship Mary we shared prayers, followed Mary in a procession and brought flowers from home to present to Mary. Thank you to all of our families, staff and children who made this a lovely celebration.