
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Roman Catholic Primary School

Let no one ever come to us without leaving feeling better and happier.

Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Roman Catholic Primary School

Let no one ever come to us without leaving feeling better and happier.

Class 2



Our Lady's School is a caring family, where, with Jesus in our hearts, we value everyone and encourage them to be the best that they can be.

Welcome to Class 2!


My name is Miss Watkinson and I am your class teacher and Miss Naz and Miss Harling are our teaching assistants.


Reading book bags are expected to be in every day to take home letters and other important pieces of information. We also may listen to your child read their home reading book on any day and record this in their reading record so this is needed in school daily. Two reading books will be sent home every Friday: a phonics book for your child to read aloud and a story book that can be read to the child by an adult. It is important that children are read with daily at home and in school. Children should read their phonics book every day, so that the book becomes familiar and your child becomes more confident reading it each time to build up their reading fluency.


PE will be on a Wednesday and Thursday, children should come to school wearing their PE kit for outdoor sports. They do not need to bring their uniform on this day. 


In Year 2 we hope to learn lots, have fun and grow together in God's love.


Year 2 pupils will be set homework on Seesaw.

- Reading should be daily (books changed on a Friday).

- Maths homework will be on a Thursday.

- Spellings will also be on a Thursday.

All homework needs to be returned for the Monday of the following week. 


Seesaw allows us to set homework, allows your child to send it back to us and allows us to provide feedback on their achievement.  

Any problems using this please let us know, as we are eager for children to continue their learning at home.


More information about what your child will learn in class can be seen on the curriculum page.


We use websites such as Phonics Play and Teach Your Monster to Read, as well as resources from Essential Letters and Sounds and Oxford Owl, to support children when teaching phonics and reading.

Other websites to support your child's learning: Spelling Shed, Topmarks, MathsFrame,


If you have any questions regarding the curriculum your child is being taught, please contact school.


At Our Lady's we are always pleased to meet our parents, I will be available to talk to you any day before 8.45 and after school. If you would like me to ring you, please leave a message at the school office.


Many thanks for your ongoing support, Miss Watkinson :)

Useful Websites

RE Yearly Overview ('Come and See' scheme) - Printable version

Parents Guide to the National Curriculum

Autumn 2 - Fighting Fit

Preparing for Jesus during Advent

Prayer Service - Baptism

We celebrated National Kindness Day by focusing on receiving kindness. The children made a chatterbox for a different member of the class, gave these to the person they had made them for and played with them to hear the kind things people thought of them! Look at all those happy, smiling faces after receiving kindness. 

Autumn 1 - The Place Where I Live

Observational drawings in our local area

Learning the song 'The Big Ship Sails Through The Alley Alley Oh' and playing the traditional playground game from the 1950s to link to our history learning

Mrs Shaw visited our class to tell us about our school playground 40 years ago!

Worship to reflect and celebrate our learning in R.E. about 'Beginnings'

Wishing you all a lovely summer!! School reopens Tuesday 3rd September: School reopens at 8.55am (8.00am for breakfast club)