
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Roman Catholic Primary School

Let no one ever come to us without leaving feeling better and happier.

Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Roman Catholic Primary School

Let no one ever come to us without leaving feeling better and happier.


The children are taught using the 'Come and See' scheme.  This is organised into topics lasting for four weeks. Each unit follows the structure of Explore, Reveal and Respond.  Our teaching and learning is a mixture of whole class teaching, adult led activities, small group activities and opportunities for independent learning in continuous provision.  Our learning activities may be through discussion, story, drama, art work, reading or writing.  All outcomes are presented in our class book and displayed on our working wall.  We celebrate our learning each topic with a topic related collective worship which we plan as a class. To support the children in remembering their learning we discuss and use our working wall to remind pupils of prior learning, look back regularly at our class book and aim to answer 5 key questions at the end of our taught topics.

Sample of our 5 key questions

Age Related Expectations for EYFS

Tuesday 17th September: 'Meet the teacher' 3.30pm and again at 5.00pm / Thursday 19th September: Reception class parents/carers stay and play session 8.55am - 10.00am. Wednesday 25th September: PTFA meeting 3.00pm for those interested in joining our PTA/ Friday 20th September: Celebration assembly at 9.10am all are welcome to join us!!