Work From Home 15/1/2025:
English - Apostrophes for contraction and singular possession lesson on Oak Academy
-Times tables practice
-Number bonds practice -up to 10, 20 and 100
-Oak academy 'reading and writing 3 digit numbers'
Oak academy - How are volcanoes made?
Welcome to Year 3 Class page.
My name is Miss Wharmby and I am your class teacher . We are also joined by Mr Narramore and Miss Harling.
Our P.E. days are Monday and Wednesdays. Please ensure children come in P.E. kits on these days. P.E kit is plain white t-shirt and navy blue shorts/leggings. You do not need to bring in your school uniform.
Spellings and Maths will be set on purple mash, every Friday, to be handed in the following Friday.
Book bags
Please bring book bags with reading records and books in daily. Please read your reading book every night at home or for a minimum of three nights a week - you will receive a star for every night your read! The child with the most stars at the end of the Half term will be our star reader! Books will be changed weekly on a Friday.
Times tables
Times tables will be practiced daily. The children have learnt the 2, 5 and 10 times tables in Year 2 and in Year 3 we will move on to learning our 3, 4 and 8 times tables.
School starts each day at 8:55 - I will be waiting on the playground for you.
Morning break time is 10:45-11:00.
Lunch time is 12:10 -1 - we eat dinner in the school hall first and then go out to play.
Afternoon break time is 2:20-2:30.
School finishes at 3.25.
Should you have any questions or wish to speak to me I will be on the playground before and after school each day! Or alternatively leave a message at the office for me and I will get back to you ASAP.
Useful links