
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Roman Catholic Primary School

Let no one ever come to us without leaving feeling better and happier.

Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Roman Catholic Primary School

Let no one ever come to us without leaving feeling better and happier.

Whole school Crib Service

Advent - Crib Service

Advent is a time of preparing. A time when we try to open our hearts and minds to God so that we can prepare for the birth of Jesus.

Friends and followers of Jesus gather round cribs to pray, reflect and get ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus. We gathered around our crib in school to do the same and we led the prayers at our crib service. 



Dear Jesus, you came into our world to teach us how to love. Bless our homes and help them to be places where we learn to do the same. We pray to the Lord. 


Dear Jesus, you came into our world to teach us how to live together. Bless our schools, help them to be places where we learn to do the same. We pray to the Lord.


Dear Jesus, you came into our world to teach us how to pray. Bless our priest and our parish, so that they might help us all to grow in faith. We pray to the Lord.


Dear Jesus, you came into our world to teach us how to care for God’s worldwide family. Bless all your children around the world, help us to see one another as brothers and sisters. We pray to the Lord. 


Thursday 23rd January: Eco - Warriors community litter pick 3.25pm - 4.00pm (meet at the school hall at 3.25pm) ALL children are to be accompanied by an adult/Friday 24th January: Celebration assembly at 9.10am