Children’s Storehouse – Can provide good condition, second hand baby items, children’s clothes, toys, books etc free of charge. They ask that a professional makes contact with them first so that they can be clear in terms of what the family need. Phone: 01254 372359 or email
Rummage Rescuers – families can go and use the shop themselves and buy good quality second hand clothes, toys, furniture and household items at low prices. They can also be referred by a professional and access essential items. They have significant community connections and can signpost families to various agencies that may be able to assist. Phone: 01254 264 093 or email
YouthZone –The Youth Zone is a purpose-built facility offering a wide range of activities, including dance, climbing, digital creation, sport, music, media, employability and mentoring. They are open to those from aged 8 through to age 18 (or 21 if you have additional needs) at a low cost for entry. Further details can be sought by phoning 01254 292000 or emailing