
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Roman Catholic Primary School

Let no one ever come to us without leaving feeling better and happier.

Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Roman Catholic Primary School

Let no one ever come to us without leaving feeling better and happier.

Cost of living

Children’s Storehouse – Can provide good condition, second hand baby items, children’s clothes, toys, books etc free of charge. They ask that a professional makes contact with them first so that they can be clear in terms of what the family need.  Phone: 01254 372359 or email


Rummage Rescuers – families can go and use the shop themselves and buy good quality second hand clothes, toys, furniture and household items at low prices. They can also be referred by a professional and access essential items. They have significant community connections and can signpost families to various agencies that may be able to assist. Phone: 01254 264 093 or email


YouthZone –The Youth Zone is a purpose-built facility offering a wide range of activities, including dance, climbing, digital creation, sport, music, media, employability and mentoring. They are open to those from aged 8 through to age 18 (or 21 if you have additional needs) at a low cost for entry. Further details can be sought by phoning 01254 292000 or emailing



Tuesday 11th February: Year 1 Parent Showcase 2.45pm. Please join your child were they will show you what they have made in DT topic this half term. Tuesday 11th February: Internet Safety Day lunch / Wednesday 12th February: Reception class parents - APSmilecare will be leading a presentation on oral health & parents are invited to join in activities with the children from 9.00am - 10.00am Thursday 13th February: Non uniform day to celebrate the jubilee year of 'Pilgrims of Hope' Year 4 Parent Showcase at 2.45pm. Please join your child were they will show you what they have learnt on coding in computing. Friday 14th February: Non Uniform Day - cash donation for CAFOD/ Celebration assembly at 9.10am / School closes for half term at 3.25pm.