
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Roman Catholic Primary School

Let no one ever come to us without leaving feeling better and happier.

Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Roman Catholic Primary School

Let no one ever come to us without leaving feeling better and happier.

Reading Ambassadors


Welcome to our Reading Ambassadors page!

Our Mission

We value reading and the enjoyment it brings so we encourage everyone to enjoy reading too!

We are keen readers in school, who have been nominated by our teachers to be reading ambassadors. Through our whole school events and daily activities, we will share our ideas of ways to encourage more children to read, share our knowledge of books and promote a love of reading across our school. 





Our Reading Ambassadors

On Thursday 15th November, we held our Reading Cafe in school. We thought it was really successful! The majority of people found a number of books they now want to borrow and read. Classes have a fortnightly library slot to allow the children to borrow books from school and our next steps are to monitor this. 

Autumn 1

We have been busy, behind the scenes, reading lots of new books in our library so we can recommend new books to you based on your interests! Our Reading Cafe will be on Thursday 14th November where you will get to 'taste' lots of these new books!

Thursday 23rd January: Eco - Warriors community litter pick 3.25pm - 4.00pm (meet at the school hall at 3.25pm) ALL children are to be accompanied by an adult/Friday 24th January: Celebration assembly at 9.10am