We are here to help everyone to open their hearts to Jesus to encourage them to be the best that they can be.
We are the prayer leaders in school and we love helping everyone get closer to God. We lead prayers, lunchtime clubs and organise special events in school that helps everyone spend time with God.
2024 - Year of Prayer
2025 is the year of the “Pilgrims of Hope” Jubilee. A Jubilee year only happens every 25 years!
To prepare for such a special event, Pope Francis has declared 2024 as a Year of Prayer.
During this year, we are encouraged to pray ourselves and help others pray as well. We are thinking about how and why we pray and how it can impact on our lives.
Advent - Crib Service
Advent is a time of preparing. A time when we try to open our hearts and minds to God so that we can prepare for the birth of Jesus.
Friends and followers of Jesus gather round cribs to pray, reflect and get ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus. We gathered around our crib in school to do the same and we led the prayers at our crib service.
We led the prayers in the crib service.
Dear Jesus, you came into our world to teach us how to love. Bless our homes and help them to be places where we learn to do the same. We pray to the Lord.
Dear Jesus, you came into our world to teach us how to live together. Bless our schools, help them to be places where we learn to do the same. We pray to the Lord.
Dear Jesus, you came into our world to teach us how to pray. Bless our priest and our parish, so that they might help us all to grow in faith. We pray to the Lord.
Dear Jesus, you came into our world to teach us how to care for God’s worldwide family. Bless all your children around the world, help us to see one another as brothers and sisters. We pray to the Lord.
November - the month of Remembrance.
November is the month in which we pray for departed Holy Souls and celebrate Remembrance Sunday. If you would like us to remember your loved ones this November, please come and hang a button on our remembrance tree in school and we will keep your loved ones in our prayers each day in school. We will be on the playground some mornings and evenings or just pop into the office area where the tree will remain for the rest of the month.
Candlelight vigil
We invited our families over to church to light a candle for someone they would like us to remember in our prayers. What a special evening.
The Prayer Leaders were joined by the Caritas Ambassadors to lead the whole school in a special remembrance service. The children created a beautiful atmosphere and focal point. The whole school joined in with the 'We Remember Them' litany and stood respectfully for two minutes of silence.
Prayer Group.
Each week we lead a prayer group at lunchtime. we design the focal point, the prayer and the activity around the Gospel.
This week's theme was Red Wednesday
We sang songs, prayed and wrote prayers for all of the Christians who are persecuted because of their faith. We prayed for peace and for them to be safe. The crosses we made are broken but still strong - just as those who are persecuted are still strong in their faith.
This week is kindness week. We pray that the kindness we are showing to each other, our school family, spreads to the rest of the world.
#Red Wednesday
We held a whole school prayer service and tied red ribbons to the school gate to raise awareness of the persecution people face just because of their faith.
This week's theme was Faithfulness.
Someone who is faithful keeps their promises and never lets others down
Everybody wants a faithful friend and Jesus promises to be ours. In the Gospel, Jesus is encouraging the disciples (and us too) to be faithful to him. The faithful promises of Jesus will never pass away – God’s love for us will last forever.
We thought of people in our lives as well as Jesus who are faithful and wrote them thank you cards.
Our theme this week was remembrance. We shared a prayer and made poppies to remember loved ones or to give to someone who may be missing a loved one.
Dear Lord, sometimes our hearts hurt when we miss someone we loved very much. Give all those who miss people they love the help of your light, peace and hope. Amen